Customer Testimonials

Many thanks Paul for an excellent job of repairing the damaged leather on our sofa.

There were holes in one of the leather seats and we were thinking of buying a new sofa, but this repair was an excellent and far cheaper solution.

Nick and Carolyn Clarke (Rossendale)

Hi Paul,

Really pleased with how my sofa and chair look. They look like new. Thank you so very much for the brilliant job you have done. I will be telling everyone.

Thanks again.

Sally (Wirral)

Wow Paul

Settee and footstool look FAB thank you ! 🙂

Thank you,

Angela (Warrington)

Hi Paul,

Just to say thanks for the work done on the sofa – looks good – and for the advice about the central foot (which I’ve now managed to locate and will fit).

All the best,

Jeremy (Chester)